An Introduction...

Welcome to my new blogspot...and to start, a little about my journey here...

I have a background in costume design and I have been making dolls for many years. My recent creations have been cloth dolls inspired by antique dolls and my family history (another of my favourite pastimes). I also love creating anything with fabric and I'm enjoying experimenting with different styles and designing unique items.

In this blog I will share doll info, tips and tricks that I have learnt over the years and also pics and even a few patterns, so please check back often to see what's new....

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Wooden tuck comb doll

Among my small collection of wooden dolls is this wonderful old tuck comb doll. She measures 18 inches tall and she has a fairly crudely painted face, but really nicely carved hands and feet with painted red slippers. At some point she had earrings, there are tiny fittings still in her ears. I think she will look lovely once she is redressed.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I was just doing some research on Peg Woodens for a post I am doing on my blog about Grodner Tal dolls and the Victorian era and found you. What sweet dolls you have. I love your blog it is very informative, and I know I will visit often. I will be honored if you visited and followed mine, I think you will like it.

    Looking forward to more of your posts
