An Introduction...

Welcome to my new blogspot...and to start, a little about my journey here...

I have a background in costume design and I have been making dolls for many years. My recent creations have been cloth dolls inspired by antique dolls and my family history (another of my favourite pastimes). I also love creating anything with fabric and I'm enjoying experimenting with different styles and designing unique items.

In this blog I will share doll info, tips and tricks that I have learnt over the years and also pics and even a few patterns, so please check back often to see what's new....

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Don't You Just Hate It When...

It's happened AGAIN!...Someone (who shall remain nameless) is passing off my goods as her own on Etsy!!! I even gave her the benefit of the doubt by asking her where she found the items and she claimed to have made them herself!! I really don't have a problem with people making and selling my designs so long as they don't try to pass them off as their own, but it's even worse when they are selling my actual products and claiming to have made them....this has happened to me several times and I sometimes wonder why I bother....perhaps I should give up sharing my designs?


  1. I would cetrtainly report this to Etsy! It is too bad a few bad apples ruin it for others and I am sorry to hear it happened, Judi

  2. You seem like a person with a great attitude towards life. What this person did to you is WRONG. I'm sorry you have go through this.
