An Introduction...

Welcome to my new blogspot...and to start, a little about my journey here...

I have a background in costume design and I have been making dolls for many years. My recent creations have been cloth dolls inspired by antique dolls and my family history (another of my favourite pastimes). I also love creating anything with fabric and I'm enjoying experimenting with different styles and designing unique items.

In this blog I will share doll info, tips and tricks that I have learnt over the years and also pics and even a few patterns, so please check back often to see what's new....

Sunday, 30 January 2011

The same...but different....

I'm always fascinated by the way different artists approach the same subject...these 3 heads are different sizes of the same style head mould, but have been treated quite differently by the artists. The largest is the most simple, with shiny glazed, pink tinted bisque, the eyes and cheeks look as if the colour has been sponged on. The middle head is white bisque (not quite as shiny as the large one) and nicely painted in the antique German style with pink lines on the eyelids. The smallest head is more detailed in parian style with pink bisque and paler features (my favourite of the three).

Thursday, 27 January 2011

FREE PATTERN china head doll body...

Your first 'freebie' of the year!!
This is a very simple body which is ideal for these small china also fits the small metal 'minerva' heads beautifully, too.
I have stitched across the elbows and knees for this doll as it means I can pose her better, though I haven't shown this in the pattern as it's entirely optional.
To give you a rough size guide, this head measures about 2 1/2 inches across the shoulders and is about 3 inches high, the body makes her total height about 11 1/2 can download your FREE PATTERN HERE....enjoy!

Thank you...

I just wanted to say thank you to all you lovely people who have been sending such nice comments, they're very much appreciated (especially when I'm frustratingly busy with non-doll stuff!!).

I'm back....

I'm back....finally...after a mad few months where Christmas took over (still in the job I was supposed to be leaving....looks like I'll be there a little longer too!) ahh, the joys of working in retail...everything else had to take a back seat, including my costume business dreams...though I haven't given up on them just yet (just feeling a little fickle at the moment!!) so to start the new year I have finally completed the doll body patterns and I have just put the first ones in my Etsy shop as a digital download...I'm feeling quite pleased with myself now!